Oct. 14th 2013
October is National Information Literacy Awareness Month. As manager of research and development, MotivAct’s Barbara Combes Ingrassia calls information literacy a must-have workforce development skill. “To cite a very current example,” she says, “before a person can actually access health insurance, they must be able to understand and interpret various plans offered in order to make a wise decision. That process requires information literacy skills. Our workforce must rely on those skills as well, as it embodies accountability, ethical behavior, and transparency.”
As a Certified Copyright Manager, Ingrassia coaches academic and business organizations through the “grey, murky ooze” that is copyright in the Digital Age. She views copyright literacy and management as an essential risk management skill for any professional organization.
Oct. 10th 2013
What do you want to do RIGHT NOW…so that you will not regret NOT doing it 20 years from now? This is a crucial question to ask yourself on a regular basis. So often, we put off doing those things we really want to do because we are “too busy.” Or we pass up on that opportunity that is right there in front of us–because we are afraid of venturing into the unknown. Then, we look back in regret at “what might have been.”
So, identify what you are most passionate about. What excites you so much that you can’t wait to jump out of bed in the morning to start your day? Take time every day–even if it is only 15 minutes–to reflect on what it is you REALLY want to accomplish in this life.
And then, learn from the turtle. The turtle only makes progress when it sticks its neck out. Don’t let anyone ever say that you didn’t try. If something speaks to your heart, don’t hold back…JUMP!
Do it NOW…so that you do not regret it later.
Oct. 3rd 2013
Are you prepared to turn life’s obstacles into opportunities–and make them your own? Will this be the year when everything falls into place…just the way you envision it?
If you are like many of us, you spend countless hours encouraging others to develop their skills in order to clarify, set and achieve their goals. But what about YOU? How often do you take the time to focus on YOUR dreams, goals, hopes and aspirations? The best way to make certain that you are satisfied and productive in your life is to check in with yourself once in a while to identify what you are most passionate about.
Take time every day to do something that is soul satisfying to you. Take time to meditate on a regular basis. Take time to be silent. The more you ask your subconscious mind to focus on what you want in life, the clearer your goals will be come–and the easier it will be to develop your own, personal blueprint for success. We have been taught as a society that it is selfish to think about ourselves first. But, think about being on a plane, getting ready for takeoff. What does the flight attendant say during the safety drill? Put the oxygen mask on yourself FIRST--then help the person next to you. If you don’t have that flow of life-sustaining oxygen going into you, you cannot help anyone else. Take care of yourself first–and you will be in a better position to be of help to those around you.
Sep. 26th 2013
Our new book, One Door Closes: Overcoming Adversity By Following Your Dreams (Wyatt-Mackenzie Publishing) is now available from Amazon. Visit the One Door Opens tab on the homepage to be taken to the order page.
One Door Closes captures the inspirational, highly emotional stories of 16 individuals from all walks of life who have triumphed over seemingly insurmountable obstacles to achieve their goals. Through first-person accounts, these courageous survivors describe their personal approaches to living their lives with vision, courage, determination and passion. They share the wisdom they learned along the way–often the hard way–wisdom readers can use on their own journeys. Many are sharing their stories publicly for the first time.
Also included are 10 systematic self-assessment tools designed to guide readers to develop their own, personal blueprint for success.
Among the 16 people profiled are 7 entrepreneurs, a medical researcher, a United Methodist pastor, a young man who became a quadriplegic at age 17, a former Catholic nun who fought church hierarchy to establish a shelter for homeless women and children, and a Yale Medical School student who lost her femur to cancer at age 12.
Also profiled are Scherrie Payne of The Supremes, June Monteiro of The Toys, and Mary Wilson of The Supremes–who provides a special message of healing and hope that forms the Epilogue of the book.
We hope you enjoy reading One Door Closes as much as we enjoyed writing it.
Fulfill your dreams! Unlock your true potential! Be inspired!

Sep. 11th 2013
Congratulations to MotivAct vice president and owner of revitalize Massage Therapy (www.revitalizetherapy.com), Jared Chrudimsky, on being selected by Worcester Business Journal as one of this year’s “40 Under Forty” business leaders. The award will be presented to Jared during ceremonies at Mechanics hall on September 19. Congratulations, Jared, on well-deserved recognition of your outstanding contributions to your clients and the community!
May. 2nd 2013
MotivAct vice president Jared Chrudimsky was recently named Best Massage Therapist for the 6th time in Worcester Magazine’s annual “Best of Worcester Awards.” Jared also has received the same honor twice in The Landmark’s “Readers’ Choice Awards.”
To learn more about what makes Jared the Best Massage Therapist, visit www.revitalizetherapy.com.
Congratulations, Jared–a well-deserved accomplishment!
Mar. 14th 2013
On March 28, The MotivAct Group LLC will be recognized by the Corridor Nine Area Chamber of Commerce as a Champion of Education for our support of teacher mini-grants and student scholarships. We believe that no investment is too great to ensure the future of our children, and are proud to support these initiatives! No Dream Is Impossible!
Dec. 17th 2012
Congratulations to Jared Chrudimsky and Revitalize Massage Therapy on being named Best Massage Therapist in The Landmark’s Readers’ Choice Awards for the second straight year. This is Jared’s 7th “Best of” award in 9 years in both Worcester Magazine and The Landmark. Way to go, Jared–a well-deserved honor. To learn more about what makes Jared the best of the best, visit www.revitalizetherapy.com.
Oct. 11th 2012
We recently received this testimonial from a satisfied client: “I participated in a Mental Massage Workshop in May, and focused my meditation and imaging on needing to decide the next steps for my business. Here it is 6 months later and my business is growing and thriving in a beautiful, new office space, with a new fabulous employee. The experience and strategies these 2 brilliant professionals offer is solid, useful, inspiring, and the results are truly amazing. Nothing magic, nothing wacky. It’s about accessing your own dreams, your life goals and visions, and learning how to turn them into reality.” Robin Chapman, owner, Holden Acupuncture
Sep. 3rd 2012
In addition to being the award-winning owner of Revitalize Massage Therapy (www.revitalizetherapy.com), MotivAct vice president Jared Chrudimsky also is a member of the ACICS (Accrediting Council of Independent Colleges & Schools) team that evaluates massage therapy programs nationwide for accreditation. To see a list of Jared’s upcoming accreditation visits, visit our Events page.