Living Into Your Dreams, part 2
Now, you are probably thinking, “who IS this guy, and how can HIS experience help me?” True–finding purpose in my life meant a radical career re-invention from my role as a higher education administrator to one of a motivational speaker, life coach and manager of performing artists. Yes–living into my dream has the ring of a beautiful fairy tale. But living into YOUR dreams doesn’t have to mean a radical shift–unless that’s where you are in life.
If you are waiting for your ship to come in–for someone else to bring your dream to you, I want to meet you. I want to tell you, don’t wait for your ship to come in–swim out to meet it…into the deep water.
I can help. To learn more about my visioning seminars and workshops, and my individual coaching sessions, please email me using the contact form on this website.
More to follow….