Jul. 28th 2010
It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the hot-off-the-press Tom Ingrassia Productions promotional brochure, highlighting my menu of motivational seminars and workshops; individual coaching services; and multimedia lectures focusing on Motown and the connection between music and society in ’60s America.
You can download the brochure by clicking the box in the sidebar on the Home Page of this website.
Kudos to Ken McDonnell, of Mobius Connect, for his design and text writing of the brochure.
Jul. 19th 2010
I certainly don’t fancy myself some kind of superhero. I don’t possess superpowers. I’m no different than you are–I’m just an ordinary guy. But sometimes, even ordinary people–even someone who used to think he didn’t have much to offer anyone–CAN achieve astonishing things…IF we believe in ourselves, know what we want, and discover ways to live into our dreams with vision, purpose, determination and passion. I mean, look at me–I have achieved amazing things during my journey from academic administrator to entertainment entrepreneur and lecturer–including working with many of the legendary singers from the ’60’s–the very people I grew up listening to and idolizing.
YOU already have the power within you. And with the help of this ordinary guy, I can help you find the power to make an extraordinary difference in the world.
Jul. 14th 2010
Work like you don’t need the money.
Love like nobody has ever hurt you.
Dance like nobody is watching.
Sing like nobody is listening.
Live as if this was paradise on earth.
Jul. 12th 2010
Now, you are probably thinking, “who IS this guy, and how can HIS experience help me?” True–finding purpose in my life meant a radical career re-invention from my role as a higher education administrator to one of a motivational speaker, life coach and manager of performing artists. Yes–living into my dream has the ring of a beautiful fairy tale. But living into YOUR dreams doesn’t have to mean a radical shift–unless that’s where you are in life.
If you are waiting for your ship to come in–for someone else to bring your dream to you, I want to meet you. I want to tell you, don’t wait for your ship to come in–swim out to meet it…into the deep water.
I can help. To learn more about my visioning seminars and workshops, and my individual coaching sessions, please email me using the contact form on this website.
More to follow….
Jul. 11th 2010
Do you have dreams for yourself and your life? Do you believe in your dreams? Do you truly believe your dreams WILL come true> However you respond to these vital questions, I can help.
You see, I’m living, breathing proof that dreams DO come true. But navigating the path to fulfillment of your dreams isn’t always easy. Truth be told, it’s NEVER simple or straightforward. First, you have to articulate what your dreams are. Then you have to nuture them. You need to persevere against seemingly insurmountable odds–a dilemma we all encounter at some point. And you have to give your dreams a chance to grow.
But if you believe in your dreams–if you believe in YOURSELF–and if you have the faith and courage to follow your heart, then your dreams WILL come true! It happened to me–and it can happen to you, too.
To learn more about my workshops and seminars, and how I can help you and your organization develop a more straightforward roadmap to grow from where you are to where you want to be, please email me, using the contact form on this website.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Jul. 2nd 2010
The great American author, Mark Twain, wrote:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”